I have been to Scotland and tried the famous deep fried mars bar and was also offered for free to try deep fried snicker. I surprisingly enjoyed them with a tea to help wash them down. I think a defibrillator would've been wise to have close by.

My husband loves snooping out weird crisp flavours, ones he's found here; ketchup (not sure if that's weird), fried egg (it tasted so much like fried egg), jamón (Spanish cured ham) and salted caramel crisps (which we all agreed were sickly addictive, we all wanted to stop but couldn't).

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It's remarkable how different a Mars bar tastes when deep fried! A few years ago my sister and I tried deep fried Oreos at the Edmonton Folk Fest. Also a hit! As for crazy crisps, ketchup has been a staple here in Canada since I was a kid. We tried those fried egg chips in Spain---they are embarrassing to eat in public as they smell like a big fart! But the taste profile is exact! I'd be all over the jamón and would give salted caramel crisps a whirl too. In PEI they make "fox plops" which are potato chips dunked in chocolate. They work!

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I loved the gooiness, but the tea was very much needed to wash it down, I was concerned it was going to clog up my esophagus! How was deep fried Oreos? I like the idea of the crunch but the creamy bit in the middle, did it go weird with the heat?

They do smell like a big fart! The taste profile was impressively exact! Years ago Walkers did a squirrel flavoured crisp, but I don't know if that was just the name or if it was actually based off the flavour of squirrel... Side note, my auntie used to work with a guy who would hunt and kill squirrels and eat the meat every single day for lunch at work. They grey squirrels, from his local park, there are all sorts in this world.

I'd be totally down for potato chips dunked in chocolate! Would you know turron? They do a crisp flavour one, I enjoyed the crunch against the squish of the almondness of the turron but I was expecting more.

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Hi Shelia, the Oreo retained it's composure, really! As for squirrel-flavoured crisps, I had to look deeper into that. Apparently no squirrels were harmed in the making of this crisp. Ingredients: Potatoes, Sunflower Oil, Cajun Squirrel Seasoning (contains: Milk Lactose, Salt, Sugar, Flavourings, Dried Onion, Dried Garlic, Dried Lemon Juice, Cardamom, Ginger, Coriander, Chili, Cumin, Oregano, Thyme, Allspice, Parsley, Colour (Paprika Extract). I had to look up turron too--it looks like halva's cousin. Now I'm reading about the worst chip flavours ever: Octopus, Humpty Dumpty's Sour Cream and Clam Ripple and Lay's Durian. Yep.

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I have admiration for your dedication to crisp flavour searching! I'm glad that no squirrels, especially red squirrels, were harmed in the crisp making!

I then searched halva, I wouldn't have known it. The base of turron is almonds, so as the Spanish would say a primo-hermano (a cousin brother). Though, some don't have almonds and I think it now refers to more the shape.

Worst by vote or sales (I suppose they're mutually exclusive)? Have you tried Skips prawn cocktail flavour? They're divisive, I'm a no haha.

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We've had a real education here, Sheila, between crisps, turron and halva. I've had prawn (and lobster-flavoured chips) in the past but not the Skips brand. Most notable, it's hard to say "shrimp chips" successfully. My brother and I have long referred to them as shrimp chimps because, well, say it.

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Being more into culture than mountains and wildlife, we enjoyed a student-led tour of the Glasgow School of Art, designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Too bad I can’t post a photo. A few years ago it burned to the ground.

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Where is that Substack petition to allow us to share photos? I sent a private photo of Margaret the Toad to Holly yesterday. I'll enlighten you as well! Did you happen to see the three ton statue of Mackintosh created by The Kelpies sculptor Andy Scott? I wish we had seen The Kelpies (oversight). Now I'm reading about your Mackintosh and the iconic high-backed chair he designed for the city’s Argyle Street Tea Room. I like that we meet in the middle, Rona. I'll take the bird, beaches + beer categories. You cover architecture, poetry, portraits and (sometimes) fish heads. Thanks for always introducing me to fab things.

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My pleasure. Glad our paths cross here.

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